Happy Birthday Rich on December 16th...and Happy Birthday to Holly on the 19th! Yay, another December birthday. I always feel like December birthdays get the short end of the stick. Rich is holding his favorite present...a real live hand-written letter from Marshall in Brazil. I am so grateful we're able to do the e-mail thing with our missionary, but getting a hand-written letter is still pretty fun!

Right after Marshall left back in August we quickly realized that we would only have Sarah and maybe Lindsay come home for Christmas this year. Not very much to my liking, but I certainly understand the circumstances and will patiently wait until next year..oops, this year! In the meantime, since it just didn't feel right being at home without most of the kids, we decided to do Christmas a little different this year...we headed to Orlando, in hopes of a chance to thaw out and get some sun. Well, we thawed out, but it wasn't nearly as warm as we hoped. Still, such a nice change of pace for the week. Orlando is actually a great place with tons and tons of things to do...we have barely scratched the surface after our first two visits. We were thinking that Christmas week wouldn't be all that busy...so wrong! It was super, super crowded and the traffic was crazy. DisneyWorld was said to have been sold out most days by 10:00 a.m. Yikes...

Not our traditional ham, potatoes, creamed corn, jello salad, and rolls for Christmas Eve dinner...we went to the Melting Pot instead. We decided for a New Year's Resolution to go once a month and try each of the dessert fondues...what do you think?

Downtown Disney...Lindsay and Sarah trying to re-create art forms!

Merry Christmas Lindsay and Sarah...some little elves even brought stockings to our room!

One night we had tickets to see this show and LOVED it! So how do you describe Blue Man Group to someone who doesn't know what it's about...comedy, few words, interesting music but not really music, lots of paper, lots of drumming, highly entertaining. That about sums it up!

Rich has always loved Ripley's Believe It or Not! Decided to stop in and it was fun!

Sarah's hand reading produced "You need a Friend"!

And Lindsay on the Throne of Love is "Hot Stuff"!

We drove by the Sling Shot numerous times and each time the girls said they really wanted to do it and we said, "Yea, right..." But they were serious! Where did we get these daredevils from??

Ready to launch...

Up, up, and away...390 feet in the air!

Looking straight down...

And they survived!!

All in all we had a great time, although we missed everyone else! We had a fantastic Christmas Day phone call with Marshall in Brazil...he was able to talk with everyone...in Orlando, in North Carolina, and in Utah. Marshall told us all about his routine, how he does his laundry, the area where he lives, how the language is coming...all in all he's doing just fantastic! We loved sitting in the jacuzzi, watching The Sound of Music while eating Capn' Crunch, seeing Shamu, shopping, trying new restaurants, trying new make-up, playing games, reading, computering, and doing something totally out of the ordinary for our Christmas vacation. Oh, and definitely doing Word Search puzzles in the airport on the way home!!
And now I declare my blog caught up...that only took over 12 hours and I'm sure I've forgotten something!! Sarah, it's your turn!!!!