Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tick - Tock Goes the Clock

The house was so quiet yesterday. I walked by this clock several times. It has been in my home almost 10 years now. It has a consistent tick - tock that never fails to calm me, to remind me of my sweet Mom and Dad. In our home while I was growing up, this clock was referred to as the "Tobacco Clock", which I never understood until I finally asked one day. On the pendulum is an advertisement for tobacco...there you go...mystery solved. I love having this beautiful item in my home and consider it a treasure, mostly because of the memories it envokes.

10 years ago...where on earth did that 10 years go? 10 years ago our family was preparing to say goodbye to our sweet mothers and grandmothers. Evalyn had been in our home for six months, dealing with a malignant brain tumor. One quiet, early morning in early April Evalyn finished her mortal mission. It was as if she picked the timing to depart. It was my privilege to care for Evalyn, a time when I learned more about myself and what I was capable of then ever before. We both learned to love each other in a special, eternal way.

I love this picture of my mother, taken around the time that she and my dad married. My mother passed away the day after sweet Evalyn passed away. We went from one funeral in Orange County to another one in Salt Lake City. Being the youngest sibling I somehow ended up with the responsibility of speaking at my mother's funeral. I look back at that time and often wonder how I did it. I promise that strength came from a higher source when I needed it most.

From that point in time to this the following has happened: 6 months later my sweet dad passed away, we have bought and sold 5 different homes in 3 different states, we built a swimming pool, we finished building one of those homes, we've lived in a fair amount of temporary housing, we've dealt with 5 high schools, 5 middle schools, and 6 elementary schools, we sent our oldest son, Chris, on a two year mission, Lindsay graduated from college, 3 others are currently in college, Katie married Joseph and has brought us sweet baby Claire, I managed to finally finish my college education, I have served as Primary President, Young Women President, and Relief Society President twice, Rich has served as a Bishop and successfully completed and worked on several major projects for his employer, and that's just the obvious stuff.
Change in life is a given, but it's amazing to me the peace and calm and sense of consistency that a clock can bring. Tick - tock goes the clock...I wonder what the next 10 years will bring!


Polka Dot Craft Parties said...

Consistency amongst change! How would we survive without it?

Katie and joe said...

you guys move to utah? yeah.

Chelsea said...

Hi - it's Chelsea (Williams)! I saw you put your blog address on facebook! It's was so fun to catch up on your amazing family! Looks like you had a fun trip to Utah!